Data about Macedonian Comity’s activity in Sofia


The Zanov’s opinion on massacres in Macedonia and the reasons of disorders there. Data about Macedonian Comity’s activity in Sofia. Resolution on Macedonian question, accepted during the Macedonian emigrant’s rally in the principality of Bulgaria

 Sofia, January 13, 1885 

 My Lord,

 On the 4 th Instant, a Deputation of Bulgarian Macedonians called upon the Agents of the great Powers at Sofia, and handed to them the Petition of which I have the honour to inclose a copy. The Deputation was accompanied by a large crowd, who cheered vociferously before the houses of each of the Agents. In receiving the Deputation I confined myself to stating that I had heard that the Bulgaro-Macedonian Committee at Sofia had already addressed a Telegram to Mr. Gladstone, and that I should not fail to...

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