P.K. Yavorov - closest friend and associate of Gotse Deltchev


As early as during his school years, the great Bulgarian poet, Peio Yavorov links his life with the struggle for the liberation of Macedonia and Adrianople region, torn from the entity of Mother - Bulgaria, according to the cruel and unjust clauses of the 1878 Berlin Peace Treaty. 

 The poet begins his active participation in the “secret complot”, as he calls the Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Organization, after his arrival in Sofia in the end of 1900. It is then when he meets Gotse Deltchev and between him and “the fearless revolutionary”, who “holds the threads of the whole organization”, a longlasting ideal and sincere friendship is established. The principal positions of IMARO and its differences with the Supreme Committee of the legal Macedono-Adrianople Organization in Bulgaria, are presented by Yavorov in the “Delo” newspaper, whose editor in chief he is. Political maturity and farsightedness is felt in his articles. Believing that his journalistic activity is not enough for the fight against the “supremacists”, he combines it with the impact of the living speech. During his public campaigns throughout Bulgaria, he organizes meetings and public speeches explaining the ideas of IMARO. 

He defends his ideas on IMARO, not only as author of “Rebels aspirations”, but as member of the revolutionary military groups and the three entrances in Macedonia in 1902 and 1903. In the heart of the Macedonian mountains he publishes the revolutionary paper “Liberty or Death”, whose main aim is the awakening of the revolutionary spirit of the slave-victim and its preparation for the great selfsacrifice, as in the forthcoming battle he will have to count only on himself and not on any help from outside. 

During the great and heroic days of the Ilinden uprising, Yavorov and Toma Karayovov, publish the “Autonomy” newspaper, as well as its daily bulletins. The main aim of the edition of the foreign representatives of IMARO in Sofia is to ”explain in front of the world the demands of the struggling population and to defend its cause against those slanders, seeded by its enemies in the society “Autonomy” and its bulletins and booklets are a valuable dairy of the uprising, of the heroism of the population of Macedonia and Adrianople, of the wild cruelty of the Ottoman rulers, of the treacherous and aggressive activities of the Serbian, Greek and Albanian military groups. Authentic documents of historical value are Yavorov's materials on the macedonian theme as well. In the eve of the Balkan War, already as commander of a military group and not as regular soldier, Yavorov fights for the liberty of the “mother-martyr”. 

Unanimously after the liberation of Nevrokop by the military groups of IMARO, he is elected the first Mayor of the town. With unheard of boldness and bravery, Yavorov together with three other macedonian commanders - Mikhail Tchakov, Jonko Vapzarov and Hristo Tchernopeev, free the town of Kavala (50000 pop.) two days before the arrival of the Bulgarian army. As foreign representative of IMARO, Yavorov, having sound international reputation, is entrusted with unlimited confidence and is responsible for numerous important tasks. In response of the decision of the Great Powers for partitioning Macedonia and the creation of a “zone of contest”, Yavorov sends on June 5/18 th 1913, a declaration of protest, written in French, to the Bulgarian government and the representatives of the Great Powers. Totally dedicated to a holy for him cause, Yavorov, even in his last moments thinks of Macedonia and his last wish is to be buried with the clothes in which he has fought for the freedom of Macedonia.

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